Prospect Park community guide
Our directory of neighborhood services, community groups, and reference information catalogs the wealth of resources available to Prospect Park residents. Our focus is what is locally accessible to the Prospect Park neighborhood including immediately adjacent areas.
The original directory was created in 1999 May and based on an Prospect Park Neighborhood NRP project, as well as previous printed directories going back to 1970. Since 1999, we have witnessed disruptive changes in the listing for our Business & Retail Directory because of: the Great Recession of 2008-2010, the impact of the Prospect Park Light Rail Station in 2014 which precipitated the construction of high-density residences doubling the neighborhood's population, and most recently the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2022. Many businesses folded and many more have been created. The result? Our directory needs even more help to be kept up to date! Contact us with suggested updates.
Neighborhood Services categories
These lists require frequent maintenance and represent our best efforts to update these collections of information. We welcome anyone's suggested updates and corrections.
Resources for Resident Homeowners
- Resident Homeowner Resources - on this website.
- Homeowner Resource Guide - City of Minneapolis
Resources for Resident Renters
- Renter Resources - on this website.
- Housing Link - Minnesota resource for finding affordable housing.
- Renter Protection Resources - City of Minneapolis
- Landlords and Tenants: Rights and Responsibilities - State of Minnesota Attorney General's Office
- Landlords and Tenants 2003 Law (downloadable PDF)
- HomeLine Minneapolis: Repairs Required in Rental Apartments (downloadable PDF)